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2 Things To Know About Pre-Set Income Standards For Apartments

23 September 2015
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

If you are renting an apartment for the first time and find the perfect apartment, you may run into problems renting it if your income is not high enough. Some landlords use pre-set income standards to determine if an application meets the guidelines for renting, and this could ruin your chances of getting approved. Here are two things to know about this before you start looking for an apartment to rent. Read More …

Critical Steps To Take When Starting A Business

10 August 2015
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

If you enjoy running things and being your own boss, you may want to start your own business. This whole process can go according to your business plan if you take into account the following information. Get Help from a Commercial Realtor An important step for any business owner is finding the right location. Finding a building for your business doesn't have to be hard at all when you get help from a commercial realtor. Read More …

An RV Owner’s Guide To The Do’s And Don’ts Of Winter Storage

21 July 2015
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Your RV serves you and your family well all summer long, but when the RV season ends and it is time for storage, you have to take a few precautionary steps. By properly preparing your RV for storage through the colder months of the year, you can rest assured knowing that the following spring your vehicle will be all ready to hit the road again. Here are a few do's and don'ts you should remember as an RV owner about preparing your RV for seasonal storage through the winter. Read More …

Top 3 Property Management Mistakes To Avoid

5 February 2015
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Working as a property manager or landlord of a real estate property can be a great way to bring in extra income while providing housing to people who need it. At the same time, however, there are a lot of responsibilities that come along with managing a real estate property. Even the smallest of mistakes could lead to a major lawsuit or other legal troubles. By avoiding some of the most common property management mistakes, however, you'll be on your way to success as a property manager in no time. Read More …

4 Major Tasks to Take on Before Your Home Goes on the Market

24 November 2014
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

There's no place like home. That is, unless you're looking to sell your house to move onto bigger and better things. If you do decide to sell, remember that potential buyers won't be filled with warm, fuzzy memories of your home and will instead be judging it on their first impressions. Spruce your home up before you put it on the market by taking on these projects. 1. Fresh Gardens Read More …