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Three Tips For Getting The Seller To Take A Low Offer

22 February 2017
 Categories: Real Estate, Articles

Most homebuyers want to get a great deal on a house. The trouble is that home sellers want to make the most money on their properties. While the real estate market itself will have a big impact on whether the seller accepts your low offer, there are things you can do to improve the odds he or she will. Here are three tips for getting a seller to accept a bid that's significantly less than the asking price. Read More …

Should You Buy In A Neighborhood With A Homeowner’s Association? 2 Things To Consider

4 January 2017
 Categories: Real Estate, Articles

When shopping for a home, it's important to consider the neighborhood you're moving into as well as the home itself. After all, you want to know if you're going to feel like you fit in with the community. That's especially true when you're considering a home in a neighborhood that's managed by a homeowner's association (HOA). There's no way around interacting with a homeowner's association if you buy into one, so it's important to understand how they work. Read More …

Selling Your Home During the Holidays? Here’s How to Add Some Festive Cheer Without Frustrating Buyers

21 November 2016
 Categories: Real Estate, Articles

With the holiday season in full swing, you're probably thinking about adding a little festive cheer to your home—except that your home is also up for sale. Having your home on the real-estate market can complicate things when it comes to Christmas decorations. After all, the last thing you'd want is for prospective buyers to feel uncomfortable buying your home. Fortunately, selling your home doesn't mean you'll have to give up giving your home a little festive cheer for the holidays. Read More …

2 Clever Tips For Selling Your Home For Top Dollar

25 October 2016
 Categories: Real Estate, Articles

When it comes to selling your home, you might have one thing on your mind: the final selling price. Although you might be tempted to do a few massive renovations in order to drive up the price of your home, the fact of the matter is that you might be able to sell your home for more by using a few smart techniques. Here are two clever tips for selling your home for top dollar. Read More …

Worried About Your Apartment Feeling Cramped? 3 Things To Look For While Hunting

28 September 2016
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Searching for an apartment while on a budget or limiting yourself to a specific area can be difficult if you're concerned about space. In many cases, your apartment finds will all be quite small and can be difficult to imagine living in if you choose large furniture and don't consider what kinds of unique features need to be implemented into a small living space. Whether your apartment will be a studio or a one-bedroom, you should consider the following tips to make sure that you won't feel cramped living in your own home. Read More …