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Open the Door to Offers: 4 Tips to Prepare Your Home for an Open House

17 April 2017
 Categories: Real Estate, Articles

Showing your home multiple times in a day, week, or month can become overwhelming. From making the beds and vacuuming your carpet to wiping down the mirrors and hauling your family out the door, it is easy to see the stressful nature of showing your home to potential buyers. Showing your home in a more convenient manner is possible by having an open house. This allows potential buyers and agents to view your home during a designated period of time, ensuring you can prep your home and leave it to be seen without a great deal of stress. Read More …

Making A Game Plan For Listing Your Home? 3 Changes Worth Making To Improve The Looks

12 April 2017
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

When it comes to selling your home, there are a lot of factors that will come into play that determine how many people are interested as well as how willing they are to put in a serious offer. It is natural for a home that has not gone through much preparation at all before listing to receive offers on the low side. This is because a buyer may not be comfortable with a making decent offer on a home that could have lots of issues. Read More …

3 Mistakes to Never Make When Listing Your Home Online

11 April 2017
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

When you prepare to list your home online, you may have a million thoughts racing through your head. The potential reach of the internet is limitless. Once your listing is online, you may soon have people knocking at your door to see your house. As you move towards finding a home buyer and are ready to hit submit on your home listing, be sure to avoid making these common mistakes when listing your home online. Read More …

Venturing Into Becoming A Homeowner

31 March 2017
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Setting a goal to become a homeowner is one of the wisest decisions that you can make. Owning a house means that you have a sense of financial security, as the house can be sold if you find yourself in a bind in the future. Even if you don't want to sell the house, you can rent a room out to bring in some extra money to get out of the financial bind. Read More …

Considerations For Rural Property Investment In An Area Where You Don’t Live

29 March 2017
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

If you are thinking about investing in inexpensive rural property in an area of the country where you do not currently live, then there are many things you should consider before purchasing, such as the following issues: Consider the Limited Tenant Pool and Low Wages in Rural Areas Since rural areas often have few employers, they tend to be lower cost-of-living areas where people don't make a lot of money. This will affect your ability to rent your properties and will greatly limit the amount of rent you will be able to demand, even for the nicest properties in the area. Read More …