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3 Tips To Consider When Shopping For A Single-Family Rental Property

10 August 2017
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Buying a single-family home to turn into a rental property is a good way to acquire an investment and give you a passive income. As you search for a home to become a rental property, there are several considerations you need to keep in mind to help you buy a property that will be a good investment and create positive cash flow for you over the years. Here are three tips to keep in mind as you work with your real estate agent to look for a rental property to buy: Read More …

Making A Mortgage Down Payment With A Gift From A Third Party

6 August 2017
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Receiving a gift from a family member to help make the down payment on a mortgage is not as straightforward as it sounds. The nature of a down payment can be scrutinized by lenders almost as closely as the income of the borrower. Mortgage loan applicants must follow certain guidelines to have a gift successfully applied toward the down payment on a mortgage. The infusion of funds from a third party can affect a lender's analysis of the borrower's financial condition. Read More …

Non-Financial Cons Of A Bigger House

1 August 2017
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

When analyzing the pros and cons of buying a huge house, it's easy to focus on the financial aspects only. This is understandable given that the huge deposits, large mortgage payments, and high maintenance costs are some of the reasons people shy away from big houses. However, there are non-financial cons of owning a huge house that you should also be aware of, and they include: Being a Perpetual Host Read More …

Types Of Mortgage Insurance

1 August 2017
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Mortgage insurance is a type of insurance plan that is designed to protect you against the risk of defaulting and foreclosure against your home. Purchasing a mortgage insurance plan can help you sign a mortgage when you otherwise would not be able to afford it, and may also give you access to better interest rates, depending on your credit and the value of your home. However, there are several different types of mortgage insurance available on the market, each of which operates slightly differently from each other. Read More …

Empty-Nesting: Options For When All The Children Have Left Home

28 July 2017
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Couples, as a general rule, buy a house because they want a place to raise their children. They begin "nesting" almost as soon as they find out they are going to have their first baby. When you have reached the very end of raising children to adulthood and all of the children have fled the nest, you enter another period; empty-nesting. Here are some options for when you have reached this stage of life. Read More …