Phrases That Can Be Detrimental When You Write A Real Estate Listing
One of the often-overlooked skills that a real estate agent should possess is the ability to write an effective real estate listing. While those who are browsing the listings will definitely be looking at the photographs and assessing the room dimensions, they'll also be carefully reading the written description about the listing. This series of paragraphs shouldn't be an afterthought — a well-written house description can excite a prospective buyer, while one that is poorly written can compel a buyer to continue to browse other listings. A real estate agent should always be cognizant to avoid certain phrases that won't augment the listing. Here are three phrases to avoid.
"Too Many Features To List"
It's easy to fall into the trap of wanting to write that a home you're trying to sell has too many features to list. On the surface, this sentiment may suggest that the home is well stocked with features. However, the real estate listing's chief goal is to clearly define the house, and saying that there are too many features to list — especially when you're putting the listing online and there's an infinite amount of space that you can use — is a bad idea. Instead of using this phrase, simply list all of the features, starting with those that are more desirable.
"Call For Details"
While it's technically OK to suggest that a prospective buyer should call you to learn more about the home, this is a sentiment that is usually unnecessary to convey. Any interested buyer knows that he or she can call you if he or she is interested in learning about the home, and writing "call for details" can sometimes suggest that you can't be bothered describing the listing. Additionally, some buyers might be concerned that there's an undesirable feature about the house that you don't want to include in the listing, but that you'll discuss over the phone. Always list all of the details, and then be prepared to discuss them with anyone who calls.
"Has To Be Seen To Be Believed"
As a listing agent, you know that getting a prospective buyer to visit the property is a big step in the right direction. But, before someone will schedule a showing, he or she has to be impressed by the online listing. Using a phrase such as "has to be seen to be believed" can make you appear lazy — it's your job to compile a listing that entices buyers, rather than tell them that they should visit to get a sense of the house and property. By avoiding these phrases, you'll do a better job of putting together the online listing.
For more information or advice, contact a realtor.